Anniversary Flashbacks

Anniversary Flashbacks

How many times have you used the old clichés to mark the passing of time; ‘Where did the time go?’, ‘My how time flies!’, ‘I don’t remember when time seemed to past so quickly’, and so many more?  This summer marked our ninth year as a Bed and Breakfast, and it sure...
Ready, Set, June

Ready, Set, June

June is bustin’ out all over!  It’s been one string of blooms to another, wisteria to rhododendron, phlox to peonies to clematis.  Here in the Poconos of Northeastern Pennsylvania the weather has taken its good old time to warm up and brighten up with sunshine.  That...
Got a Good Book?

Got a Good Book?

When you travel to a Bed & Breakfast you most likely remember to pack a book, after all you are headed out for a relaxing vacation, right?  If the B&B you are headed for is the James Manning House you are certainly going to find plenty of reading material in...
Inside Info?

Inside Info?

The neighbor says to me, “I like your boat”. “Thank you”, I return.  Her reply, “Do you know something that I don’t?”  And we both laughed, anything to break up that dreariness on a rainy, cold and dismal day changing the usual commentary to the weather.  It’s so nice...
Garden Fresh Frittata

Garden Fresh Frittata

6 large eggs 1/2 c sour cream, mixed with 1 T. Spinach and Herb Dip Mix 3/4 c. cheddar cheese, divided 2 t. butter 2 t. olive oil 1 c. sliced mushrooms, coarsely chopped 1/3 c. red pepper, chopped 1/4 c. chopped onion 3/4 c. fresh broccoli crowns, chopped 1/2 t. sea...