Anniversary Flashbacks

Anniversary Flashbacks

How many times have you used the old clichés to mark the passing of time; ‘Where did the time go?’, ‘My how time flies!’, ‘I don’t remember when time seemed to past so quickly’, and so many more?  This summer marked our ninth year as a Bed and Breakfast, and it sure...
Imagine Spring

Imagine Spring

  Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye Now, this Second Day of February, Two Thousand and Seventeen, the One Hundred and Thirty First Annual Trek of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club…. Punxsutawney Phil, the Seer of Seers, Prognosticator of All Prognosticators, was...
Mad for March

Mad for March

What does the month of March signal in your mind?  Is it wind, the advent of spring, muddy paw prints, the sun glaringly showing the streaks in the windows, or daylight savings?  Do you think of Julius Caesar, the Ides of March and his feeling of Doom?  How about some...


Election Day 2016! Finally, coming to an end of this crazy year of campaign.  I’m very glad we live in a country where we have a choice.  I am not interested in how you vote or how you voted.  The important concept is that you have a right to learn the values,...
Observance, Mother Earth

Observance, Mother Earth

Earth Day isn’t one of those splashy holidays.  It is nationally recognized, as an observance.  The movement has also grown to include over 192 countries.   It’s listed on all calendars, including the electronic one on your cell phone.  Since I’ve retired from the...