Small Town America visits the Holidays

Small Town America visits the Holidays

Remember back to the days of your youth?  Holidays were a time that we simply loved.  What made it so endearing? I think it was the memories we created, the warm and fuzzy feeling deep inside.  Are we taking time to recreate those memories, and make new ones for our...
Anniversary Flashbacks

Anniversary Flashbacks

How many times have you used the old clichés to mark the passing of time; ‘Where did the time go?’, ‘My how time flies!’, ‘I don’t remember when time seemed to past so quickly’, and so many more?  This summer marked our ninth year as a Bed and Breakfast, and it sure...
Should There be Spring?

Should There be Spring?

If you have visited our inn, you know I like to decorate.  At Christmas that might even be considered an understatement.  January comes knocking on the door just as Santa Claus needs to take a rest until next December.  Snowmen take their places on the shelves and...